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Sample 1
General overview​
My client wanted a fresh, detailed, and well organized document.
I had to carefully examine and consider several factors like the positions of the sections and the layout of the information in each one.
Fonts, frames, and colors​
I had to select the most suitable combination of fonts, frames, and colors.
As usual, I decided to use Times New Roman for the whole document.
The titles I made with size 12 and the content with 10 and 9,5. This created a visible contrast
which made the resume easy to read.
Sample 2
General overview​
My client wanted a resume that highlights his customer service competencies and other relevant skills for an administrative position.
As you can see from the work profile section, he had over 2 years of experience in the field.
In this case it was just a matter of asking the right questions and obtaining the details of his most
important competencies.
I prepared a personalized questionnaire for him to allow me to gain the information I needed.
After that it was just a matter of optimizing the content and perfecting the design.
What can I say about the design...optimized, fresh, and professional.
It was very important to make it easy to read.
* Recruiters spend an average of 30 seconds reviewing each resume. In this short period of time, they have to clearly see if the candidate is suitable and can be put through to the second stage of the selection process.
Fonts, frames, and colors​
Simplicity is the key concept of the effective resume design.
I used Times New Roman as a font for the whole document in several different sizes: 10 for the details, 12 for the secondary and 14 for the main titles.
Sample 3
General overview​
I managed to create this document almost from scratch.
I had to perform an extensive interview with my client in order to obtain the information that You can see on the finalized resume. Its original version had less than half of the details and its structure had highly disorganized look.
My client wanted to keep the information on one page which turned out to be a difficult task. I had to experiment with the font size a lot and also perform numerous revisions in order to leave only the highly relevant details.
Fonts, frames, and colors​
I decided to use one font and two colors.
The title boxes that were formed, I filled with light gray color in order to create a contrast and draw the reviewer's attention towards them.
Sample 4
General overview
I prepared this resume almost from scratch for a client with many years of health and safety experience in the oil and gas industry.
The information he had provided me with was two pages long.
I decided to try and fit it on a single one.
The columns on both sides of the document allowed me to use the space more effectively
and separate the various sections.
Fonts, frames, and colors
It is visually unappealing to use many fonts on a page. That's why I decided to use just one in its italic and bold forms.
This helped me to create a contrast which highlighted my client's main professional competencie
Sample 5
General overview​
My client requested to get his resume updated for a Machine Operator position.
I reviewed the employment history and decided to accent on his hands-on experience.
There was no better evidence for his capability to successfully perform in such capacity.
This is why I incorporated the professional history on the top.
The two sections I positioned after could have easily been included as part of the first one, but I decided to separate them in order to accent on their content. This also improved the appearance
of the resume.
It didn't take me long to decide on how to design the document.
The difficult task was to optimize its various aspects and make sure that the information is clear and organized.
Fonts, frames, and colors​
I chose Times New Roman...again.
In order to make the design better, I wrote the titles of the main sections with size 14 and accented on them by using a light shade of gray.
For the secondary titles I used size 12.
The frame made the document stand out.
* Not many people use frames for their resumes. Creating one, improves the visual appeal significantly.
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